Man spots homeless dog carrying a bowl of food – watch what happens when he follows her

Yusuf Kılıçsarı, who helps homeless dogs in Turkey, saw a homeless pooch walking down the street, clearly on a mission, writes The Dodo.

This dog was clearly on a mission, and Kılıçsarı decided to follow her.

The dog had a bowl of food in her mouth so Yusuf decides to follow her and filmed the whole event.

By following the dog he was taken on a long journey in the hot sun. This poor dog is walking as fast as she can without spilling her bowl of food.

PHOTO: YouTube

Finally, the dog disappears into what looks like a junk yard and he has to then follow her the rest of the way on foot.

What he discovers next is just heartbreaking.

The mom had walked all that way to deliver food to her hungry pups.

While the pups fight over the food, mom dog collapses, probably hungry and very thirsty herself but like all moms would rather go to feed their babies.

Watch the video below to see this sweet mama dog with her pups.

This is a shining and true testament of how strong a mother’s love is for her children, even in the bleakest of circumstances.

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