Helpless 2-year-old starved in apartment – while mother out dancing for money

Children are our pride and joy and making sure they grow into healthy, strong young people should, without question, be at the top of every parent’s priority list.

So when we hear about children being neglected it seems unfathomable to so many of us.

For one two-year-old in Georgia, she was starving and left alone at night while her mother went out dancing for money. Now she has to answer in court.

Devin Moon from Gwinnett Country, Georgia, left her youngster for 10-12 hours a night on a “regular basis,” police said, according to the New York Post.

Authorities believe Reygan was left to waste away at their home in Lilburn while the 29-year-old went to work at a local club, according to the article.

Police were called after the mom found her weak toddler lifeless after a night dancing at the club.

Shutterstock/stock pic not of child in story

Too late

She immediately called 911 and said her daughter was “unresponsive” and “cold to the touch,” the New York Post reported.

She called 911 and said Reygan was “unresponsive” and “cold to the touch.” Sadly, ambulance and police were too late for this helpless toddler.

The girl, who would have celebrated her third birthday, was dead on arrival.


At this time, the cause of death was still unclear, and no action was taken against the mom.

Two days later, however, an examination revealed the cause of death was neglect due to malnutrition. She only weighed 14 pounds.

The mother is now facing child cruelty and felony murder charges.

Absolutely horrific that such a young child had to leave us and even worse that this little girl starved to death instead of being well nourished and loved as every child deserves.

Please share this post to draw attention to the fact that infants should NEVER be left alone for so long.


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