

Pregnant firefighter rescues car crash victim then gives birth to healthy baby girl hours later

Pregnant firefighter rescues car crash victim then gives birth to healthy baby girl hours later

Megan Warfield didn’t let a “significant” car crash nor labor stop her from assisting someone who had become trapped in ...

Father of 7 returns home after spending 549 days in 9 different medical facilities battling Covid-19

After spending 549 days in the hospital, one New Mexican man is happy to finally go home after being diagnosed ...

Woman suffers 19 miscarriages before giving birth to healthy 14-pound baby: 'He's absolutely perfect'

After a long and extremely emotional wait, an Arizona couple hearts were filled when they welcomed their son Finnley in ...

Mother of 28-year-old South Carolina teacher who died from COVID-19 dies from virus weeks later

At the beginning of September, just as school was starting to get underway, a heartbreaking story went viral. A 28-year-old ...

Teen learns he has hole in his heart after being diagnosed with COVID-19 for a second time

“It’s a parent’s worst nightmare, just watching her child suffer through that and not really being able to do anything,” ...

Cancer breakthrough: Scientists discover a cancer-killing immune cell

A team of scientists in the U.K. have discovered a part of our immune system that can kill cancer. It’s ...