It’s a sad fact that sometimes dog owners realize they can or no longer want to have the responsibility of their four-legged friend.
Although not plentiful, there are many animal shelters that will take an unwanted pet in these circumstances and help to find it a new home.
But I will never understand those pet owners who just dump an animal when they find themselves in these situations.
I cannot imagine how terrifying that must be for an animal; one minute they have food, shelter and a family and the next thing they are all alone and left to fend for themselves.
For one dog, she had the horrific experience of being wrapped in a trash bag and dumped in a trash can in Pennsylvania.
Three days later garbage collector Nathan Binnie discovered the terrified dog, shivering and emaciated.
“It was just horrific,” Nathan told WTAE, “You could see every bone; she was shivering and shaking. Animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. They’re living and breathing, just like us.”
He called the humane society, but as he waited for help to arrive, he gave the collie and Labrador mix his lunch.
Officers from the Humane Society of Westmoreland County took the dog in and found her to be microchipped and were able to track down the owner, according to The Epoch Times.
The dog, previously named Mia was renamed Fawna and her owner Nicole Baker, of New Stanton, was traced to Texas, where she had moved with her boyfriend.
Fawna was an upsetting site when she was found; she weighed just 17 pounds, less than half the weight she should have been.
Thankfully her condition improved, and staff vet Dr. Megan Fritz decided to adopt her.
Nicole Baker pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. She willingly agreed to enter the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program on an animal cruelty charge, and was ordered to pay $600 restitution, according to WTAE.
Fawna, who has made a full recovery, now takes part in Humane Society fundraisers.
“Fawna wants you to know that lots of animals need rescuing,” the society posted on Facebook.
What a disgusting way to treat a loyal friend! I’m so glad Fawna now has the loving home she deserves.
Share if you think there should be harsher penalties for animal cruelty.