Mom in her 40s found a nudist hobby that’s changed her life
We all have the right to make our own choices, and as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, who’s to say it’s wrong? Take Estelle Keeber, for example. She got tired of her everyday ...
We all have the right to make our own choices, and as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, who’s to say it’s wrong? Take Estelle Keeber, for example. She got tired of her everyday ...
Life has its ups and downs, and so does your sex life. Sometimes weeks — or even months — can pass without intimacy. But what many don’t realize is that going too long without sex ...
Megan Warfield didn’t let a “significant” car crash nor labor stop her from assisting someone who had become trapped in their vehicle as a result of the accident. The 30-year-old Maryland firefighter recently spoke with ...
After spending 549 days in the hospital, one New Mexican man is happy to finally go home after being diagnosed with Covid-19 in September 2020. When asked how it felt to be with his family ...
After a long and extremely emotional wait, an Arizona couple hearts were filled when they welcomed their son Finnley in October 2021. Not only were Cary and Tim Patonai overjoyed to welcome their third child, ...
When Locklan “Lock” Samples was born he had dark hair just like his mother, but when he was a few months old the Georgia toddler’s hair started to change color. It also started to change ...
The parents of a 12-year-old girl from Georgia have been charged in connection with their daughter’s death after investigators revealed they had enough evidence to suggest she died as an indrect result of severe lice ...
At the beginning of September, just as school was starting to get underway, a heartbreaking story went viral. A 28-year-old third grade teacher died from complications due to COVID-19. Demetria “Demi” Bannister tested positive for ...
“It’s a parent’s worst nightmare, just watching her child suffer through that and not really being able to do anything,” Desiree Cady said of her 19-year-old son. Her son William ‘Ikaika’ Bailey contracted COVID-19 two ...
Just over 10 years ago, Jonna Jinton decided to follow her dream. She grew up in Gothenburg, a major city in Sweden, but when she turned 21 years old she left everything she had and ...