Babysitter puts helpless 2-year-old in washing machine – films the act with a menacing laugh

Every child deserves to be safe, and when their parents just don’t have time, they trust an experienced babysitter to look after them as if they were their own.

Recently a shocking video was posted on Tag24 showing a toddler being put into a washing machine by his babysitter.

Not only is this act incredibly cruel, but the babysitter found it so funny that he had to snicker — and post the video on the Internet…

Warning! The acts described in this article, as well as the pictures and video, may be disturbing for some.

The story took place in Poland and shows a babysitter put a 2-year-old child in the washing machine instead of taking care of him.

Facebook / Metro

You can see how the babysitter opens the washing machine door and the child is in it.

A short time later, he closes the door and seems to keep it open a crack. The toddler starts crying — and the babysitter laughs out loud at his “clever act.”

Facebook / Metro

It’s an extremely sad sight to see the child press his hand against the window of the washing machine door. But the babysitter just keeps laughing.

The British newspaper the Mirror reports that the infant wasn’t injured, but also says that there is a picture of the child with a cigarette in his mouth.

The toddler’s 21-year-old mother said that she had placed him in the care of the babysitter because she and the father of the child were at work.

The babysitter and another teenager, who is said to have posted the video, were reportedly arrested.

Take a look at the video, which is causing a sensation on the Internet:

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We are absolutely shocked by this incident and don’t find it funny at all to do things like this to a helpless child.

Please share this post on Facebook if you agree that child abuse shouldn’t be tolerated in any way.