Snobby New Yorkers brag, but 71-year-old Texan’s comeback is pure gold

Don’t underestimate someone just because they’re old. With age comes wisdom and experience—something this little old lady has in spades!

When two snobby New Yorkers tried to show off in front of a 71-year-old Texan, they had no idea they were about to be outsmarted.

Snobby New Yorkers often have a reputation for looking down on others and flaunting their status, whether it’s about wealth, style, or being “in the know.” They might boast about dining at exclusive restaurants, attending elite cultural events, or living in trendy Manhattan neighborhoods.

But sometimes, their arrogance can get the better of them—especially when they underestimate someone who’s far sharper than they expect, like a quick-witted 71-year-old Texan…


Rose, an old Texas lady, was visiting her granddaughter in New York City. One day, she was supposed to meet her in a very lavish shopping center.

She was riding the elevator when a young, beautiful woman gets into the elevator, smelling of expensive perfume. She turns to the old woman and says arrogantly, “‘Romance’ by Ralph Lauren, $200 a bottle!”

The young woman looks Rose up and down and says:

”But maybe you don’t afford it.”

Then another young and beautiful woman gets on the elevator.

The first young woman asks the new arrival:

”Wow, I just adore that fragrance! What is it?”

The second young woman replies, ”I know, right?. It’s ‘Chanel No. 5’, $350 a bottle!”

The first woman gives Rose patronizing glance, and says, “I’ll remember to buy some. This old woman probably won’t remember though, I bet she’s already forgotten the perfume name.”

About three floors later, the old woman has reached her destination and is about to get off the elevator.

Before she leaves, Rose looks both beautiful women in the eye, then bends over and farts and says:

“Broccoli – 2 dollars a pound!”


The moral of the story: Don’t try to get snobby with older ladies – they’ve got more experience and smarts than you!

BONUS FUNNY STORY: Cocky LA yuppie makes a bet with old Oregon farmer

Out on the Oregon prairie, an old farmer is tending to his flock of grazing sheep, when suddenly a brand new BMW pulls up on a nearby road.

The man in the car is dressed in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and an expensive tie. He sticks his head out of the car window and loudly calls to the farmer, “Hey there, old man! If I can count how many sheep you’ve got grazing there, would you let me take one of the sheep with me?”

The farmer looks at the man, then at his dispersed flock of sheep. He shrugs and yells back, “Fine by me!”

The man drives up next to the farmer and sets up his Dell Notebook on his car’s hood. The man then uses his iPhone to establish a 5G connection to NASA. He connects to a GPS system, pulls the exact coordinates and relays them to another satellite which subsequently scans the grazing area with a high-definition camera.

Without breaking a sweat he opens the image in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within a few seconds, his iPad receives an email saying “picture processed and data stored”, after which he logs in to an MS-SQL database via ODBC and exports the data to an Excel sheet containing lots of advanced formulas. He then relays his data to Xircom, and within seconds he gets a reply.

The man finishes his technical wizardry by printing a 150 page report using his high-tech HP Color Laser Jet. He casually glances at the documents and says to the farmer:
“Hmm… You’ve got exactly 156 animals here.”

An unexpected guess

“That’s right,” says the farmer, “a deal’s a deal – you’re welcome to one of the sheep.”

The farmer looks on as the man walks around deciding on which sheep to pick, after which the man struggles to get the animal into the trunk of his brand new car.

The farmer then says, “Tell you what, if I can guess your profession, would you give me back my sheep?”

The man considers this for a moment, and then replies, “Sure. Let’s hear it then, what do I do?”

“You’re a consultant,” says the farmer.

“That’s right!” exclaims the man with surprise. “How on Earth did you know?”

“It’s a no-brainer,” says the farmer, “you came here without being asked, you charged me for something that I already knew and you haven’t got the faintest clue about my line of work. So be a darling, open the trunk and give me back my dog!”

Sometimes all the high-tech gadgets, fancy degrees, and impressive titles can’t replace plain old common sense! True wisdom often comes from experience and practical knowledge rather than flashy tools or titles.

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