Elephants must be among the most fascinating animals in the world.
Indeed, many creatures from the animal kingdom often surprise us by displaying what appear to be purely human traits. Elephants in particular, are intelligent and conscious animals.
They also develop strong ties to their flock — and can take a caring approach to others in their surroundings.
Elephants are known to look out for one another — especially the youngest and most vulnerable parties of their flock. But elephants can also create close bonds with humans.
This is the case with an elephant from Chiang Mai, Thailand. When an animal warden in her center plays around with a friend feigning aggression the elephant perceives the situation as threatening.
And that’s exactly why she rushes forward to help him out. Watch the amazing clip below:
And while we’re on the subject of elephants and their wonderful compassion, check out this video showing a young elephant who seems to be having a rough day… until mom and dad come to rescue! Too sweet!
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