Sibling love is a concept that many associate with constant fights, arguments, and general complaining.
But of course it doesn’t always have to be that way. In this wonderful video, we are witnessing sibling love where the word love is really emphasized.

When siblings succeed in finding a common hobby they can enjoy together, it can really strengthen the sibling bond. Siblings Kenny and Capri Holland from Phoenix, Arizona, have succeeded in doing just that.
It all revolves around their common passion for music. Together they perform many duets – and it always sounds magical. If you’re not convinced, check out big brother Kenny’s YouTube channel here.
But there’s one particular clip that will stop you in your tracks more than the others. When the music starts to play and little sister Capri begins singing the Elvis classic “Can’t help falling in love” that you immediately understand this will be special.
With a voice like an angel, you’ll lose yourself in Capri’s interpretation of the classic song, but after a while, you notice that something is different. Suddenly, the text changes and you can hear the words from the amazing song “Somewhere over the rainbow” by Judy Garland.
You’ll get goosebumps as the song continues and when it’s over, you just want to hear more. When the siblings give each other a hug at the end of the clip, the tears definitely start to flow!
You can watch the fantastic duet below:
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