75-year-old man who fought off an alligator to save a dog, is hailed a hero

One woman is thankful to her “hero” father after he saved her beloved dog from the jaws of an alligator.

Buddy Ackerman was looking after his daughter’s golden retriever Osi when the incident happened.

The Florida grandfather said the situation could have been much more serious had the dog been smaller.



Buddy Ackerman says Osi was in the middle of doing his business in his backyard when out of the waters of a nearby pond came an alligator.

“It was like an explosion,” Buddy told ABC Action News.

A 7 foot, 7-inch gator came out of the waters and grabbed the dog by his backside, according to NTD News.

“He was squealing a good bit when the thing grabbed him,” Buddy said. “I go up and slip and fall on my rear end, and the two of us are tugging. Alligator is going one way, I’m going the other.”

Buddy fought off the alligator by kicking him in the snout twice and the alligator released him.

“The thing opened his mouth and backed up a little.”

‘My father is our hero’

Buddy said he was looking after Osi for his daughter while she was on vacation.

“My father is our hero, Osi and I are so very grateful that nobody was hurt,” Jody Ackerman said, according to NTD News.

Buddy says he’s glad his daughter’s dog was big.

“I don’t know what would have happened with people with little Pekingese or something running around. I guess we’d say goodbye,” he added.

Find out more about this alarming story and the heroic Buddy in the clip below.

[arve url=”https://youtu.be/tsjcjHs9vCg” /]

The bravery of this man is unbelievable; alligators are such dangerous creatures and I’m so thankful the grandfather won the fight!

Please share if you too were amazed by Buddy and his alligator-fighting skills.