Cow struggles to give birth to breech baby, bikers step in

Normally presented, the vast majority of animals will give birth without assistance.

But sometimes, animals need some assistance during birth in case of emergencies. When human moms give birth, there are usually doctors and nurses to help them in case something goes wrong.

Humans have the help required at a local hospital.

Animals do not have such luck.

Thankfully, as we have seen in many cases, there are always some people around who are kind enough to help animals in need.

This Spanish cow was struggling to give birth to her calf in the middle of the road. She needed help as her baby was in a breech position.

Fortunately, some bikers were passing by and saw this. They immediately stopped to help her.

A few of the bikers kept the cow steady and calm while another reached into the cow’s womb and tried to pull the calf out.

Unfortunately, that didn’t work. Even with help, the little one is still stuck inside mom.

So the bikers looped a rope on the calf’s hooves and pulled it out together.

After a few minutes, the calf is finally out so his mother got to her feet and cleaned him.

These bikers are definitely heroes!

You don’t have to know what they are saying, actions speak louder than words. God bless those men.

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