Labrador makes up one half of a province situated on Canada’s eastern coast. The climate is harsh and contact with the outside world is fairly minimal.
Humans and animals alike are forced to live off what nature can provide. Fishing is a thriving industry, as a result, and so many people spend their days out on the water.
When Alan Russell, Mallory Harrigan and their team were out crab fishing one day, close to Labrador, the duo ended up involved in something they would had never thought possible.
A half a mile from the coast, they spotted a large iceberg. It was carrying a most unexpected passenger…
Crab fisherman Alan Russell and his crewmates rescued this adorable Arctic fox off of Southern Labrador and fed it…
Posted by CBC's Labrador Morning on Monday, June 25, 2018
It was just last week that Alan Russell and Mallory Harrigan were forced to agree they’d seen something very peculiar indeed. On an ice berg, half a mile from the coast, a small “grey thing” could be seen hunkered down and trying to fight off the cold.
“We thought it was a baby seal,” Harrigan told The Dodo.
But then they looked closer.
It turned out that the animal hitching a ride on the ice wasn’t exactly the sort you’d expect to find at sea.
In fact, it transpired that the “grey thing” was in fact an Arctic fox – one that was in real trouble.
Russell and Harrigan knew they couldn’t simply abandon their new furry friend to its grim fate. They had do act, and quickly.
Crab fisherman Alan Russell and his crewmates rescued this adorable Arctic fox off of Southern Labrador and fed it…
Posted by CBC's Labrador Morning on Monday, June 25, 2018
They pulled their boat up alongside the iceberg, and lifted the fox to safety.
Of course, the animal didn’t understand, and so was naturally afraid.
“We were able to get him aboard even though he fought it,” Harrigan said. “We knew we were his only chance for survival, as the winds had changed and were driving all the ice farther out to sea.”
Was on the way in for bait and ice and seen this arctic fox stranded about 4 miles off land.. hopefully we can gain his health back and save the little feller!
Posted by Alan Russell on Friday, June 22, 2018
While the fox, alone and stranded out on the icy seas, had every reason to give up hope, now he was handed an unlikely second chance.
Harrigan and the other fishermen on board were able to make a makeshift bed on their boat, giving food and rest to the exhausted fox so he could begin his recovery.
Crab fisherman Alan Russell and his crewmates rescued this adorable Arctic fox off of Southern Labrador and fed it…
Posted by CBC's Labrador Morning on Monday, June 25, 2018
Once the crew was back in the harbor, they gave the fox some more food and then set him free to go on his way.
“We dropped him off in an old doghouse,” Harrigan said. “He shook himself off and that was it!”
“We’re glad to have saved an animal,” she continued. She went on to say that the fox appears to be doing well, and occasionally returns to the area. “We can still see him from time to time!”

What an incredible story. Alan, Mallory and all the other people who helped in the fox’s rescue deserve praise!
They’re a classic example of what true animal heroes look like, and can be used to inspire others to act, no matter how small their efforts may seem.
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