Man turns trash into thousands of beautiful beds for needy cats and dogs

Amarildo Silva / Facebook

The 23-year-old handyman and artist was working at a grocery store but couldn’t ignore the ever mounting trash on the streets.

Feeling like he wasn’t properly fulfilled with his current job, he turned his attention to what he really wanted to do — help the environment and needy animals.

He started taking the littered tires off the streets and upcycling them into the most beautiful beds for stray animals to rest.

Amarildo Silva / Facebook

Over the last two years the talented artist has turned more than 6,000 tires into comfy animal beds and some he even turns into planters.

It takes Amarildo around 40 minutes to wash, cut the tires and add his own style. Many of the beds have the animal’s name on them.

Amarildo Silva / Facebook

Amarildo’s animal beds have attracted so much attention he’s even getting orders for them from around the world.

He’s now considering taking on staff to help keep up with all the orders.

See his beautiful designs on his Facebook page and find out more about his story in the video below.

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His desire to turn something that litters the streets into something so beautiful and practical is inspiring.

Please share and pay tribute to this animal hero.

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