Woman finds squirrel with overgrown giant tooth and takes him home – just look at him now

Foto: Twitter

Jannet, who owns the Double J Freedom Ranch, home to all kinds of animals both domestic and wild, was enjoying some time on her deck watching the squirrels do their usual foraging.

‘Massive tooth growing out of its mouth’

But there was one squirrel who caught her attention and she wasn’t even sure it was a squirrel, due to a strange growth on its face.

As she studied it more, she realized the horror this little creature had to endure.

“I could see there was something on the side of his face,” Jannet told The Dodo. “I got closer and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s a massive tooth growing out of his mouth.’”

It turned out that this poor little squirrel had a tooth that had grown all the way to its eye.

This obviously posed great problems for the little animal who could not close its mouth properly.

Jannet, who works with horses and rescue dogs, knew she had to help this poor creature.


Squirrel’s teeth never stop growing but they are prevented from getting too long by regular use. Somehow this one tooth had got out of control and must have caused this creature some pain.

Jannet began to investigate online how she could remove the big tooth herself. Then she wrapped him in a towel and set to work removing the offending tooth.

Looking close up at this squirrel’s face, before Jannet worked her magic, is scary.

I have no idea how this critter ate anything with such obstacles in his way.

Photo: Twitter

Poor little thing!

Photo: Twitter

“I feel a deep connection with animals, and a duty to advocate for them and be their voice,” Jannet said, according to Little Things.

No pain

She named the squirrel Bucky and said he remained very still while she carried out the life-saving procedure.

“I do believe animals know when you’re trying to help them,” she says.

Squirrels don’t have nerve endings in their incisors so he wouldn’t have felt any pain while she was trimming his teeth.

Thankfully, after a quick trim, this giant tooth was history! But just look how big it was:

Afterwards, Bucky was able to show off his beautiful smile!

And best of all could return to the great outdoors where he could eat properly again — thanks to Jannet.

Thank you for your kind-hearted actions Jannet. SHARE this article to pay tribute to this animal hero!

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