

Today’s laugh: The man who wants to understand women

This teacher never expected this explanation of child birth

The wonder of childbirth is truly magical, particularly through the eyes of children who are still discovering the mysteries of ...

Funny story: A man and woman are having dinner in a restaurant

Reading a funny story from time to time has several benefits for our mental and emotional well-being. For example, did ...

Mayor calls police to break up Coronavirus party – cops finds his wife there

Coronavirus means that the vast majority of us are having to make changes to our daily lives. Call it a ...

Humor: 3 older women are strapped in an electric chair and their last words are ridiculous

Three elderly women go down to Mexico one night to celebrate college graduation. They get drunk and wake up in ...

Beer quiz: Can you solve this tricky riddle?

The top line of the puzzle shows 3 beer bottles, which equal the number 30. The next line shows 1 ...

Woman blocks traffic with naked cardboard men, her explanation to the cops is priceless

So the story goes… ”Yesterday, I had a flat tire on the interstate. So I eased my car over to ...