Chef José Andrés is on the ground at the Ukraine-Poland border feeding refugees

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, many have stepped up to show their support.

While people from around the world stand in solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine, José Andrés, a Spanish American chef known for his food and philanthropic work, flew to the border of the eastern European country to help those fleeing.

“People of the World…Like you, I am distraught watching Ukraine under attack,” he tweeted. “We must come together as a force for good!”

His nonprofit, World Central Kitchen, began handing out hot meals to refugees crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border Friday.

By Sunday, the 52-year-old’s nonprofit delivered thousands of meals to people. WCK stated that on Monday they hoped to serve meals 24 hours a day.

Andrés, who is in Poland assisting with the distribution of food, called upon other chefs to join him.

“Guys, there’s many ways to fight. Some people fight by making sure that people are fed,” he said.

While WCK has plans to enter Ukraine as soon as it’s safe, they’re already partnering with restaurants inside the country. Andrés highlighted Chef Aleksander Yourz of Yours Space Bistro in Odessa, who cooked 1,000 meals Sunday for residents who couldn’t leave.

WCK has also partnered with Caritas nuns to serve food at a border crossing.

Andrés pledged to use money he received from winning the 2021 Jeff Bezos’ Courage and Civility Award to help the people of Ukraine. He was awarded $100 million.

The chef has previously provided meals around the world during times of conflict and suffering.

Thank you so much, Chef Andrés! You truly are an inspiration. We need more people to be as generous as you.

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