102-year-old grandma was too ill to attend wedding – so the bride decides to make a secret journey that nobody can believe

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While Tara Foley was busy planning her wedding in Texas, her 102-year-old grandmother Stasia was in a hospice in Naples, Florida.

Stasia told hospice workers that it was her dream to get to see her granddaughter’s wedding.

“When my Nana was put on hospice, the nurse asked her what her goals were,” Tara said.  “She replied that she wanted to be at my wedding.

“They reluctantly told her they didn’t want her flying anymore (she was nearly 103 years old) and her heart was failing.”

When Tara chose her wedding dress she decided that if her nana couldn’t come to her wedding she would take it to her.

“I knew in my heart she was trying to hang on to get there somehow. I decided to fly to her with my wedding dress, it was unaltered and didn’t fit yet but none of that mattered,” Tara said, according to the Western Journal.

Tara arrived at the hospice where her nana was in her wedding dress and had a very special moment with her with plenty of photos to remember the moment.

“I may have lied to my entire family about where I was that weekend, and I didn’t tell my friends so I could surprise everyone with these photos,” added Tara.

27 days later she passed away

It was clear that this special lady was holding on to see her granddaughter get married; 27 days later Stasia Foley passed away.

“When I said goodbye to her that night, I think we both knew it would be the last time we would see each other,” Tara said.

“She grabbed my cheeks with her hands, looked me straight in the eye and said, ‘I love you very much’ and 27 days later she passed away. I am so blessed to have this be my last memory with her. She was beyond an amazing woman! I love you Nana, always and forever!”

The pictures were a surprise on her wedding day

Tara kept the whole thing a secret until her wedding day when she showed the photos to her family.

The pictures, taken by photographer Misty McLendon, are absolutely heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.

“A real wedding moment here,” Misty McLendon posted on August 21.

“The bride’s grandmother was 102 years old and traveled by herself up until then! The bride found out that her grandmother wouldn’t be able to fly anymore so she flew to her grandmother, got dolled up in her wedding dress and did a photo shoot with her.”

“When I said goodbye to her that night, I think we both knew it would be the last time we would see each other,” Foley added. “She grabbed my cheeks with her hands, looked me straight in the eye and said ‘I love you very much’ and 27 days later she passed away. I am so blessed to have this be my last memory with her. She was beyond an amazing woman! I love you Nana, always and forever!”

What amazing granddaughter to show so much love for her grandmother. A beautiful memory for her grandmother before she passed. A wonderful way to include her in her wedding even though she wasn’t there

Tara really has a heart of gold and it is so clear how much she loves her grandmother. 

Please share this story if you too were moved by these beautiful photos.

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