Life is the most precious of all commodities; the wisest among us know just how invaluable it truly is.
After all, tomorrow is promised to no one. Fate appears to be a fickle thing indeed, and just because someone is happy and health one day doesn’t mean they’re assured to be the same a day later.
Anyone who’s ever lost someone to a sudden accident or tragic happening will attest to just how quickly life can change. Just ask the family of Robert Garwe, 50, and his elementary school-aged daughter Shauna.
As per reports, the father-daughter duo, of County Donegal, Ireland, had traveled to the town of Creeslough last Friday to purchase a birthday cake for Shauna’s mom.
They could never have imagined that it would be the last journey either of them would ever make …
Robert and Shauna knew they wanted to do something to celebrate Shauna’s mother, Àine, turning 50. On Friday, October 7, the pair headed to a nearby store to buy a birthday cake.
Yet a rogue gas explosion at a service station would turn the lives of their family upside down.
As per Metro, a friend of the family said: “She had gone to the shop with her dad to buy her mom a birthday cake, and they were caught up in the explosion.”
They added: “This is only a small village and this incident has really hit us hard.”
Áine and her daughter Shauna shared a very close bond with one another. Via her Facebook page, Áine often updated her friends and followers with pictures of the two of them.
An investigation is currently underway to try and find the source of the explosion, which leveled a three-story building and claimed the lives of ten people, Robert and Shauna included.
Colin Kilpatrick, a delivery driver, was opposite the service station where the explosion occurred.
“I came running over and I heard this wee girl squealing, I’ll never forget that. She was just crying at the top of her lungs looking for her friend or sister,” he told BBC News.
“My first thought was just needing to get people away,” he said.
“We tried to help people, I started pulling people out with a few others.
“Some we could help out and some…well, some we couldn’t.”
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims who have lost their lives in this terrible accident.
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