Daughter’s genius idea to help her mother’s dementia anxiety sparks important conversations

An anonymous post on Reddit shared this photo below with the following caption:

“Words of reassurance left for an elderly lady with dementia by her daughter. A simple white board left in her sight line in her sitting room. Helped to reduce constant anxious phone calls.”


The post has attracted more than 2,000 comments with many sharing their equally difficult stories about dementia and how it has affected their loved ones.

Some shared what other reminders they would add to the list:

“Water. Many patients with dementia forget to drink water and are very dehydrated. Being properly hydrated helps the brain work properly. It’s the most awful of diseases truly…” one post read.


‘Keep their mind off what they’re worrying about’

Another comment shared advice to assist those looking after dementia patients.

“Redirecting the person’s attention to an activity like folding laundry, playing music, drawing, or coloring helps, as does taking care of a doll.”

It was also recommended to take the person on a short walk around the premises to get their mind off what they were worried about.

What a genius idea to help put her mother’s mind at rest!

I would also like your thoughts on this white board sign?

Are you dealing with dementia in your family? What are some of the ways you handle communication and everyday interactions?

Please share to help give those who are caring for a loved with dementia some advice to help them along this very difficult road.

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