Ecstatic woman announces engagement to parents; watch their shock reaction when they meet him

It’s a problem many couples face when they bring home a partner of a different race, religion or background and Madison wasn’t alone in this reaction when her parents saw she was in a biracial relationship.

When Madison first told her parents that she and Eric were engaged, they were so happy for the two of them; she had a beautiful ring  and they were all so excited at the prospect of a wedding. That was until they saw Eric.

Madison’s parents overreacted to the union and were angry and upset. The customers surrounding them in the restaurant watched in shock as Mike and Schuyler criticized their daughter for choosing to be in a biracial relationship.

Madison was clearly hurt and embarrassed at her parents’ response and Eric tried to calm the situation down by assuring them that he loved their daughter and promised to respect her for the rest of his days. Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough for these disapproving parents.

The other customers in the restaurant finally had enough and several  joined in with their own opinions. Listen to what these strangers told the family in the video below.

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Thankfully this was a staged scenario as part of show called “What Would You Do” and the people shown are actors. But the restaurant customers around them were not and bravely interjected with advice for the parents.

Please share if you agree the world would be a better place if we all stood up in the fight against racism.

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