Grandma drives a new way home, then her grandson sees something on the ground that makes him freeze up

Karter’s grandmother Carolyn Cook had just picked him up from school. But on the way home, she missed a turn and took a different route than usual.

Karter didn’t think much of it. But then his grandma took a shortcut through the parking lot of the home improvement store Lowe’s — and Karter saw something that made him freeze.


He might only be 6 years old, but Karter immediately realized that he needed to act.


“We have to go back!”

A man was lying on the ground and it didn’t look like he could breathe. Karter realized something was wrong and he shouted to his grandmother to slow down and turn around. At first, she thought that Karter was just imagining something, but she soon realized the little boy was serious.

“You have to stop. He’s hurt. He’s hurt. We have to go back!” Karter shouted to his grandmother, as she told WTKR News.

Grandmother Carolyn turned around and stopped the car. She and Karter ran to the man’s side and immediately called emergency services. Soon another person noticed the man too and performed CPR on him until an ambulance arrived.


The man was rushed to the hospital, and for a while that was the last that Karter and Carolyn heard of him. Then a week later, Carolyn received a message on Facebook from the family of the man, who thanked them for staying and helping him.

It turned out that the man had had a massive heart attack. But thanks to Karter’s insistence that his grandma turn the car around, the doctors were able to treat the man in time and save his life.


If Karter hadn’t been so attentive to his surroundings, the man might not have lived. And the boy’s fast response probably saved a life.

“I still get weepy. I’m just thankful. Thankful that God put me in that parking lot when he did,” Karter’s grandmother Carolyn told WTKR News.

Six-year-old Karter is a real hero! Please help us honor his amazing action.

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