Homeless man gives his last dollar to help a family in need so kind stranger decides to help

homeless man

As one man entered a fast food restaurant to buy his own dinner, he witnessed a homeless man give his last bit of money to a woman and her child so that they could sleep in a warm place that night. It was just a bit of change, but giving it away meant that the man himself would not be able to buy dinner, and would have to go hungry that night. Yet, he did it willingly.

Fernando Herrara described the situation in a Facebook post:

“He gave all his change to a mother and her child so they could take the bus to their shelter.”

Refusing to see this generous man go hungry, Fernando offered to buy him a meal. Initially, the man refused. When Fernando finally convinced him, the man only ordered the smallest, least expensive items on the menu. So, Fernando ordered a large meal and when their food came, he quickly switched the food and took the smaller meal for himself.


This kind moment between the two men turned very touching.

“I thanked him for showing me that money doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t helping others. In tears he thanks me and hugged me. Some people are blessed more than other but that doesn’t mean we’re better than them.”

Fernando learned something important that day about compassion and kindness – that a kind act does not only benefit the person it is directed at but gives something back to the other person.

See the full heartwarming post below.

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