Jaden Smith’s company steps up to help the people of Flint after 5-year water crisis

We’re used to celebrities flaunting their wealth on the pages of glossy magazines which is why it’s so refreshing to see a young celebrity use his influence and wealth to do so much good.

Jaden, the son of actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, is an actor and singer in his own right but the 20 year old also has his own eco-friendly bottled water company Just Water.

Residents of Flint, Michigan, have had to resort to using bottled water for their everyday needs which is costly.

As the five-year crisis is not getting as much media coverage donations have slowed down.

Water box removes lead from water

So Jaden stepped up and set up a mobile water filtration system that removes lead from local water called a “Water Box.”

The Water Box isn’t a replacement for the clean drinking water these residents have a right to, but it definitely helps.

An article that came out in December 2018 said officials were working to fix the issue and there was another 10,000 to 12,000 service lines to be checked with the hope that work will be completed by mid-2019.

Donating money to help Flint residents

The Water Box will be available at First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church once a week and residents can come with their own containers to filter as much water as they need.

Jaden’s mom Jada Pinkett Smith is also donating money toward finding a more long-term solution for the issue.

Other young people like Little Miss Flint have been working so hard to provide bottled water to residents.

Little Miss Flint has set up a gofundme page to raise money to buy bottled water for residents.

In April 2018 a program to provide free bottled water to residents came to an end. Every dollar raised provides 11 bottles of water for Flint residents, according to the fundraiser.

Jaden has become a hero in Flint providing much needed help to a desperate situation.

He didn’t make a big deal about his work as he didn’t believe it was about the press but we think he deserves more praise for his selfless act and community consciousness. What a great example he is.

Please share to pay tribute to him and all the other community helpers who are doing all they can to help the residents of Flint.

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