Man scales 19-story burning apartment block to rescue his bedridden mother

When Jermaine received a call from his sister to say their 65-year-old mother’s high-rise apartment building was on fire he rushed to the scene.

He knew his mother wouldn’t be able to get out of the building on her own so had to help.

But when he got to the scene police weren’t allowing anyone through the front entrance.

So, using his skills in roofing and construction Jermaine scaled the outside of the building to rescue his needy mom.

“I climbed up with some barbed-wire cutters to cut the gate so at least the firefighters will be able to get upstairs,” Jermaine said.

Earlier that day he had fallen on some stairs and cracked his hip, but nothing was going to stop him getting to his mom.

“I took it upon myself because that’s my mother,” Jermaine tells WPVI Channel 6. “There’s no limits. That’s my mother.”

ABC News/YouTube

He saw that the fire hadn’t reached the 15th floor and that his mom was okay and scaled back down the building. A camera then caught his heroic actions and he’s become a national sensation with some headlines comparing him to Spiderman.

“I think if anyone else was in that circumstances they would do the same thing, because don’t nobody want to just sit outside and lose their mother,” a modest Jermaine said.

Jermaine’s mother made it out of the building safely as did all the residents. Three firefighters and four civilians were treated for smoke inhalation.

Watch this incredible man in action in the clip below.

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I’m not sure everyone could scale a building like this Jermaine! That was quite an impressive climb.

Please share if you too were amazed by Jermaine’s act to check on his mom.

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