Meet the mother who wants to breastfeed her children until they are 10 years old, yea or nay

Miira Dawson, from the U.K., says her goal was to carry on breastfeeding both her 5-year-old daughter and her 2-year-old son until they reached their tenth birthdays.

“I think it is a lovely thing for a baby to grow up and remember being breastfed, as not many people would be able to say this,” she said in an interview with the Daily Mail. “Plus, there are all of the health and IQ benefits.”

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Miira also co-sleeps with her son and daughter, while her husband Jim has to sleep in another bedroom, according to the article.

While this may push people’s comfort levels a bit too far, the health benefits for feeding your children longer than most are endorsed by the World Health Organisation and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

A report endorsed by the AAFP says the natural weaning age for humans is anywhere between 2 and 7 years-old.

The report adds that breastfeeding past infancy and even into toddlerhood has been shown to decrease breast cancer in the child later in life and could even give the child continued protection against contracting illnesses.

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This is such a divisive issue and ultimately up to the parent and child. But what do you think? Feel free to leave your thoughts on our Facebook page and don’t forget to share this story.

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