Couple invites loved ones to shoot balloons – when they see what's inside one of them, everyone goes nuts

This might be the funnest, cleverest gender reveal party ever!

For expectant parents, telling their loved ones they’re pregnant, is a special moment. Some couples tell their family and friends right away, while others wait for just the right moment. But after all the grandparents, aunts and uncles-to-be catch their breath, most of them have one burning question: is it a boy or a girl?

Revealing a baby’s gender is always exciting, but it’s even more thrilling when an expectant couple turns it into a game. We’ve seen a lot of one-of-a-kind ways for parents to share their baby-to-be’s gender, but we’ve never seen anything like this.

If look online, you can find all sorts of ways that couples tell their families and friends whether they’re having a boy or girl. So how did this mom and dad-to-be come up with such an incredible way of revealing their little one’s gender? The baby’s mom explains:

“My sister wanted me to make her a gender reveal party, so I went through countless ideas. A lot of them people had already done, and I wanted something I’ve never seen before. Her husband is a hunter, so I came up with a balloon deer-hunting game. The rules are simple… Just pop the balloons with the blow-gun rifles( I made for them to shoot the balloons with) until you find the one with the baby’s gender color in it… But, I made a twist—if you watch the video you shall see!”

Check out this fabulous gender reveal here and find out whether this couple is having a girl or a boy!

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Wasn’t that a clever and fun way of hosting a gender reveal party?

What’s the most creative way you’ve heard of for revealing a baby’s gender? Let us know in the comments on Facebook!

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