Mom hears strange sounds from sleeping baby, unbuttons her baby grow and rushes her to hospital

In the post the mother writes:

“I stumbled across this on my phone and thought it may be useful to share

When Luna was 4 weeks old she had a really quiet day of sleeping and barely any crying (unusual for Luna!)

I was watching her sleep next to me and realised it didn’t look right. I unbuttoned her babygrow and this is what i saw.

Sucking in at ribs is a sign to get your baby or child to hospital.

She had bronchiolitis and her oxygen levels were very low. Luckily after a night on oxygen she made a very good recovery.

We’re heading into the dreaded season of non stop colds coughs and viruses so thought it was worth a mention xx”

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According to Wikipedia “Bronchiolitis is blockage of the small airway in the lungs due to a viral infection. It usually only occurs in children less than two years of age. Symptoms may include fever, cough, runny nose, wheezing, and breathing problems. More severe cases may be associated with nasal flaring, grunting, or the skin between the ribs pulling in with breathing. If the child has not been able to feed properly, signs of dehydration may be present.

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