Mom puts baby to bed – looks in minutes later and is met by horrifying scene

The attack happened between 10 and 11 pm on Wednesday night. The girl’s mom, Ashley Rodgers, was taking her 6 year old to the bathroom.

When she went back to the baby’s room, she was met by a horrifying scene and was gripped with panic.

“She was laying on the floor— across the room —  blood all over her face and her pjs,” the mom told the news channel.

“I thought it was a nightmare when I heard over the phone. My heart dropped. I didn’t know what to say, what to think,” dad Samuel Black tells Fox 29.

The mom says that the racoon dragged the girl from her bed and across the floor. She was later driven to the emergency room at St. Christophers Hospital in Philadelphia. According to the family she needed 65 stitches.

Other neighbors in the building have previously complained about raccoons ravaging the building. According to Fox 29, the property owner owes a large sum of back tax payments, but has made a payment plan. It’s also clear that the private owner who owns the building is not licensed to rent his apartments.


Now the police are looking for the property owner, who has not yet answered attempts to reach him by phone. On Thursday, the area was examined by animal control, Fox reports 29.

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