Mom realizes there’s no deal on diapers so leaves: Camera catches stranger’s next move in latest viral video

Foto: Youtube

Mom Katie was buying diapers at food chain Walmart in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for her young son but was told she couldn’t have the price deal she thought she was going to get.

She was about to leave the store empty handed when 73-year-old Carol Flynn stepped in and offered to pay for them, according to Today

Stranger insisted on footing the bill

Mom Katie initially refused her kind gesture, thinking the $120 bill was too much but Carol insisted that she could pay for them and wanted to.

Also standing in line was Jason Yoshino, who captured the scene on his smartphone after he and his wife “ran to Walmart real quick to grab a few things,” he noted in the clip he posted on his Facebook page.

The video shows Flynn, a retired March of Dimes state director, paying for the purchase with a credit card. After she told the Argus Leader“I just think we should do things like that. That’s kind of my thinking.”

After capturing the heartwarming scene Jason said, according to USA Today, “You don’t see something like that every day in life. I’ll never forget it, to be honest with you.”

‘Started crying’

After Katie left the store and realized what had just happened she was overwhelmed with emotion.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked,” she said. “I kept saying thank you and God bless you…Then I walked out in the parking lot and started crying. It just hit me. It was an awesome statement of what God’s love does.”

Walmart rewarded Carol for her kind actions and the diaper company sent Katie and her husband four boxes of diapers, which should last them a while.

Watch this incredible act of random kindness in the video below.

Carol did pay on one condition: that Katie pay the kindness forward, something we can all learn from. Please share to pay tribute to this generous lady and inspire others.

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