Mom weighed 725 lbs and doctor said she would die before 30: look now at her transformation 2 years later

Ashley Dunn Bratcher comes from Texas and weighed 700 lbs when she appeared in the show ‘My 600 lb Life’.

She had just turned 27, but her weight made it next to impossible for her to move.


“The normal things that everybody does are just impossible for me to do because of my size,” Ashley told TLC.

The only thing she could still do by herself was shower, but even that was a battle, since she could only stand up for five minutes.


Her enormous size also caused her immense physical pain.

“Not a day goes by when I’m not in pain. Sometimes I’m scared of breaking my own back,” Ashley said at the time.


Ashley was already overweight when she was 6 years old. In seventh grade she weighed 250 lbs. When she graduated high school her weight had risen to 400 lbs.

Despite battling her weight, Ashley found love in high school. She and her husband John met when they were  young and together they have son Patrick.

Unfortunately, Patrick has become Ashley’s personal helper at home due to her weight – which is hardly something a 5-year-old should have to be.

”He’s my legs, he helps me with just about everything. Without him, I’d be lost,” Ashley explained before joining the show in 2016.


But things would soon turn around for Ashley.

She came into contact with Younan Nowzaradan, who specialises in operating on people who are morbidly obese.

He warned Ashley that she wouldn’t live to see her 30 th birthday if she continued with her unhealthy habits and her manic eating. For her son’s sake, Ashley decided to fight her eating disorder.

But it was hardly going to be a walk in the park. During her weight loss journey, Ashley has had some breakdowns.

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“This whole journey has been not only a physical rollercoaster, it’s been very a much an emotional rollercoaster,” Ashley tells People.

Four months after her gastric bypass surgery, she was taken to hospital with a stomach ulcer after abusing painkillers.

Doctor Younan Nowzaradan suggested that Ashley meet with a therapist who could help her handle her emotional trauma.

Happily, her determination has now paid off.

Under the course of a year, Ashley has dropped down to 250 lbs!

Ashley Dunn Bratcher/Instagram

Today Ashley has learnt how to control her addiction and no longer uses food to fill an emotional hole.

If she feels angry, sad or happy she goes for a walk instead of eating.

“Surgery is just a tool. It does not change your mindset,” Ashley says.

Ashley Dunn Bratcher/Instagram

She now eats healthy meals in small portions and the pounds are continuing to come off.

Think how strong Ashley had to be in order to take control of her illness and turn it into something positive.

Thanks to professional help and strong support at home, Ashley has a new outlook on life.

And doesn’t she look healthier now? Great work, Ashley!

Ashley Dunn Bratcher/Instagram

Share Ashley’s inspiring journey so that all your friends get to hear her brave story! 

Hopefully this can motivate even more people to change their lives for the better! 

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