Chloe and Rohan Dunstan had three little boys, but they always dreamed of having a daughter. So when Chloe became pregnant for the fourth time, they were overjoyed.
But after a routine check, everything changed. The ultrasound showed something completely unique.

It wasn’t the first time that Chloe had had an ultrasound. But this time, she was nervous, because her stomach wouldn’t stop growing. It was gigantic.
But still, Chloe could never have imagined what the ultrasound would reveal.

“We went into the ultrasound and the ultrasound tech started the scan. After a little bit of scanning, she finally said to us, ‘I’ll tell you what I can see.. I see one baby over here’ and then she quickly moved the wand over and said, ‘And another baby over here.’ I started crying and shaking. I said, ‘Do you mean, like, twins?'” she writes on Facebook.

It turned out that Chloe was actually going to have triplets!
A whole new life awaited Chloe and Rohan. The “small” family of five would soon become eight.
Then at the next checkup, Chloe and Rohan learned that their dream would be fulfilled: one of the triplets was a girl. But the doctors also shared some very bad news. Chloe would have to make a choice that no mother should ever have to make.
Chloe was expecting two boys and one girl. The boys were completely healthy, but the girl was in an emergency situation. She wasn’t growing the way she should have been.
The only way the little girl might survive was to delivery them early via a C section, which could be very risky for the boys.
She had to choose between the terrible: to operate and risk all the children’s lives – or to feed the boys and sacrifice the girl.
“I did a lot of research and tried to get a feel for what they were in for. I knew it would be tough but I just couldn’t give up on her. I knew she was strong because she made it all the way to 28 weeks, when she was barely getting any nutrients in the womb,” Chloe wrote on Facebook.

Chloe had no choice but to give all three cihldren a chance. In the first place, she knew she had done right.
The birth went well, but the triplets were needed to be put in intensive care immediately.
Slowly but surely, they became stronger and Chloe is so completely happy with her decision.

“I couldn’t imagine life without her and I’m so proud of all three of them. I can’t wait to watch them grow.”
The couple named the boys Henry and Rufus and their daughter Pearl.

Here are all the kids gathered!
Pearl, Rufus and Henry are excellent today and as you can see, they have grown a bit!
I can not even imagine how difficult it must have been for the mother to be forced to choose. But it is amazing that they live and feel good today. Please share this article to show your friends this wonderful story!