When Primrose was born a few years ago in China, she didn’t look like most other newborns.
She had a serious case of congenital glaucoma, which left her blind and made her eyes look like they were made of silver.
The girl’s biological parents didn’t know what to do and left her in an orphanage when she was only a few days old.
Month after month, Primrose waited for a new family to take care of her, but nobody came.

Eryn and Chris Austin live in the small city of Braselton, Georgia. Until a couple of years ago, they thought their lives were perfect. With two wonderful children, they couldn’t wish for more in life.
But one day, Eryn saw a picture of Primrose on Facebook and it was like something happened inside her. She knew exactly what she needed to do.
Eryn and Chris would adopt Primrose.

The process of bringing Primrose home began in January 2016 and eventually Eryn and Chris were able to her to the United States.
The couple later shared a video about their experience.
“There’s nothing scary about blindness,” Chris says in the video. “There’s nothing to apologize about. When people hear that she’s blind, they often say ‘I’m so sorry to hear that’. And I say, ‘Why?'”
“When I saw the picture on Facebook… I don’t understand why, I don’t have any explanation. But when I look at her eyes I see that’s everything about her that brought us together,” Eryn says.

“When it comes to adoption, there’s something that pulls on the heart strings that is really hard to explain,” Chris says. “Some people can explain it spiritually and say that God is telling them that this is their daughter or their son. Some people would just have this gut feeling that they’re theirs. We knew from the point that we saw her picture that she wanted her and that she was our daughter.”
Learn more about Eryn, Chris and Primrose below:
Parenting isn’t in your DNA, it’s in your heart.
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