Only a few people can find all the faces hidden in this tree – are you one of them?

It’s unclear where the image in question first surfaced, but it’s proving popular online as people try to one-up each other regarding how many faces there are to be found.

Of course, everyone can see the two faces at the bottom of the tree, but the fun comes in when you try and locate the others.

Apparently, the number of faces you see says something about your memory.

We know … there are more ‘academic’ ways to prove your aptitude in such things, but if you’re willing to have a go then write down how many faces you see. When you’re done, scroll down to see what your number means.

YouTube / Fun Facts

2 to 4 faces

As previously mentioned, the two faces at the bottom of the tree are there for all to see. If, however, you can only spot one or two additional faces, it may indicate that you have a memory disorder.

5 to 6 faces

Found more than four faces in the picture? Good. Keep looking, but if you only find five or six then it could mean you’re at risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia.

7 to 8 faces

Your memory is at a perfectly acceptable level, but it’s not great. You can continue training your brain by studying puzzles like these!

More than 9 faces

Congratulations, if you found 9 or more faces then you have excellent memory and facial recognition skills.

Did this picture get your blood boiling? Alright, have a look below to see where most of the faces are hidden.

YouTube / Fun Facts

How many famous faces were you able to get from the picture? Let us know in the comments box below!

If you want to challenge your friends and family to the same game, share this article on Facebook.

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