When a parent dies, sadness and grief will follow.
About a year into my career as a journalist, my mother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly.
It felt like my world was ending. She wasn’t just a mom to me; she was my best friend.
The woman who shaped me into who I had become was no longer around to give me advice, or even just a simple hug.
Holidays was clearly some of the roughest terrain after my loss. Even though it’s been years since I last saw my mother’s smile, it never gets easier to celebrate without her.
But I still remember what my mom used to told me: ”Just because someone isn’t around physically doesn’t mean they aren’t in your heart, and sometimes that’s just as important.”
So on days when i miss my Mom the most, I touch my hand to my heart and remind myself that she is always with me, even if I can’t see her.
This is a poem in memory of all those moms who are no longer here physically, but will always be kept alive in spirit.
May you, too, find comfort in these words. God bless.
My Mother, My Angel
Once upon a time an angel held my hand,
She wiped away my tears and helped me understand.
Our time on earth is brief, there’s lessons to be learned,
Each precious day God gives us another page to turn.
Every chapter full of memories, times of joy and tears,
Triumphs and defeats, through every passing year.
She loved us unconditionally, always by our side,
When no one else would listen, in her we could confide.
With gentle words of wisdom she led us on our way,
Down the paths of righteousness if ever we did stray.
She saw the light in everyone and gave with no regrets,
Always from her heart let’s not forget.
Angels come in many forms, for me it is my mother,
With love I cannot say in words there’ll never be another.
Every day I turn the page in my heart will ever remain,
Everything she taught me as I stroll down memory lane.
Thank you God for giving me the most priceless of all treasures,
Help my Lord to keep alive her memory here forever.
I pray that I can some day be everything she hoped I would,
That she’s smiling down from heaven knowing she did good.
As we gather here today there’s no ending to her story,
Another chapter has begun full of grace and glory.
God’s called her to his heavenly home, part of his great plan,
Although it may be hard, we all must understand.
Faith is what is hoped for, things we cannot see,
Heaven is promised to all of us if only we believe.
This is such a great poem.
You only have one mom, and when she’s gone you’ll wish you’d never said an ugly word to her your whole life. Tell your mom you love her.
Seek her advice and wisdom. Don’t take these moments for granted.
Please share this poem to all those who have lost their Moms.