It’s been more than three years since Robin Williams tragically took his own life.
Fans around the world mourned his death and many believed that depression and drug abuse were behind his suicide.
But, in fact, there was something else entirely behind Robin Williams’s death.
In her first interview since her husband passed, Robin’s widow, Susan Schneider Williams, decided to reveal the truth about what really killed her husband.
In the heartbreaking video below, which went on air in 2015, Susan remembers the last three words her husband told her before he took his life.
Robin Williams had long struggled with a form of dementia called Lewy body dementia before he died in August 2014.
Susan says in the interview, “Lewy body dementia killed Robin. It’s what what took his life. Depression was a small piece of the pie of what was going on… really, what was overriding that more than depression was anxiety. And the anxiety was huge.”

The doctors had given Robin three years to live, and his life wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.
Robin had been fighting depression, anxiety, and paranoia before his death.
Just a week before his death, Robin planned to check into a facility for neurocognitive testing.
In the video, you can see tears roll down Susan’s cheeks as she recalls her last conversation with her husband.
Robin entered the room and asked her if she wanted a foot massage.
But Susan didn’t know what was about to happen and declined the offer.
She’ll never forget his gaze and sad eyes.

Then he left. He came back into the room a couple of times and said, “Good night, my love,” and Susan replied, “Good night, my love.”
They were his last words to her, and her last to him.
The anniversary of Robin Williams’s death will always be a sad day. But he probably didn’t go through the hell that would’ve come for him in the later stages of his disease.
It’s always sad when somebody takes their life. But sometimes I understand why, although I think people should never go that far. There’s always hope, even when life feels completely hopeless.
If you or someone in your vicinity is depressed or suicidal, contact a doctor or your local suicide hotline.
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“Mrs. Doubtfire” was my absolute favorite!