Sam Elliot’s daughter is all grown up and she’s a real beauty: Here’s what she looks like today

For the daughters and sons of famous celebrities, it can sometimes be difficult to step out of the spotlight’s sear.

Not so for Cleo Rose Elliot, the only daughter of Sam Elliot and Katharine Ross.

The 33-year-old is a classical opera singer who has been making a name for herself after opting not to follow in the direct footsteps of her parents. She was a model for a time, and took on a few acting gigs in the early days, but struck out to forge her own path to success … and it looks like she’s doing well.

Cleo first became attracted to singing after being encouraged by her grandparents, Dudley Ross and Katharine W.Hall. She might have followed her mom or dad into acting, but instead learned to play the flute and guitar in school, whilst considering singing her most valuable asset.

In 2002, she began singing with a focus on Italian opera, studying under the tutelage of Charity Chapman. She then took up classes in classic opera post-graduation, believing that singing opera can improve other parts of singing as well.

Speaking about her passion, she said: “Classical opera is the best way to warm up your voice for singing rock. You don’t want to lose your voice rocking out.”

Cleo’s first solo single, No More Lies, came out in January 2008, retaining elements that were the complete opposite of her musical training and preferences.

Having collaborated with popular bands such as 2 Cents and Tin Horn – and influenced by the likes of Guns’N’Roses and Jimi Hendrix – it’s clear Cleo maintains her own style, and one that we’ll look forward to seeing more of in the future.

Well, Cleo Rose Elliot certainly looks different from what I remember!

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