Two men who attempt to rob a 67-year-old man in the woods pay the highest price


Two masked assailants approached an older Pennsylvania man in broad daylight on Wednesday, an older Pennsylvania man in broad daylight.

One robber was reportedly in his late teens, or early twenties then held a pellet gun up and pointed it in the older man’s face. The gunman’s friend stood nearby with his stick.

According to the police, there was a brief physical altercation between the gunman and the older man.

Then the 67-year-old man pulled out his own .38 caliber handgun and shot one of the suspects in the head, police told NBC10.


Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said the toy looked like a real weapon and police didn’t know it was a fake until they got a close look at it.

The masked suspect died on scene and second suspect fled.

The victim has a ‘concealed weapons license’ and has no previous criminal record, police said. He was taken to a nearby hospital with chest pains but he is going to make a full recovery.

Charges are not expected since the older man was acting in self-defense, Chitwood said.

You can’t be too careful these days!

This 67-year-old did what he felt he needed to do at the time, too bad someone had to die though it so unfortunate when people assume someone can’t defend themselves. 

You shouldn’t try to rob someone just because you think they are old and frail. They could be carrying!

Share away, people.

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