The security for newborn safety is high in most hospitals and birth centers. Many hospitals operate with strict newborn safety protocols, including locked units, constant video surveillance and wristbands that will set off an alarm if the baby is taken off of the labor and delivery unit.
Despite that, sometimes things happen that are not okay.
A family is now using their experience at a hospital to bring awareness to new mothers after video shows her baby was dropped on her head after birth.
WARNING: Due to subject matter and potentially graphic video content, discretion is advised.
Monique Rodgers says right after her daughter Morgan was born in February, hospital staff dropped the newborn on her head on the hospital bassinet.
In a video, shot by her husband, Derrick, three staff members are cleaning the girl after she was born.
One worker picks her up, with scissors attached, so that another staff member could remove the materials below her.
As the worker is holding her, she unfortunately slips out of his hands and lands on her head, almost falling off the table.
Little Morgan is a twin, and was required to stay in the NICU for 12 days because she was underweight, according to Fox.
Monique Rodgers says a head ultrasound was performed on the fifth day. However, she never received any results from the test.
The tragic thing is that Rodgers now says her daughter has a grade 1 hemorrhage on the left side of her brain.
Even if she don’t know if it was due to her low birth weight, or being dropped on her head by hospital staff, it’s a tough situation for the family.
“It’s just traumatic,” said Monique. “You go through this for nine months, and for them to just drop your baby. You don’t know if there’s going to be long-term damage, because nobody has talked to you. Nobody has brought it to your attention.”
In a statement, Dignity Health Chandler Regional Medical Center explained they are working to review the incident.
”Because of patient privacy laws and a request from the family not to release information, we are unable to comment specifically on this matter. The safety of our patients and their families is always our top concern. The medical team at Dignity Health Chandler Regional Medical Center takes this matter extremely seriously and is working to conduct a comprehensive review”, the hospital stated, according to Fox.
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