Woman regularly takes sister’s baby without asking: ‘That kinda’ sounds like kidnapping’

It takes a village to raise a child, right? So if someone says they’ll help you with your child at a moment’s notice or even when you don’t realize you need help, would you say no?

In 2020, Heather Delaney, a mother of three, shared how she takes her nephew without asking so her sister can have some time to herself. It caused quite the conversation.

“I don’t wait for my sister to ask before I take her baby,” she wrote on Facebook. “Oops. That kinda’ sounds like kidnapping. Allow me to explain.”

Heather explained that while she cared for her children every Friday evening her mother-in-law would take her kids so Heather could have a free evening.

Her mother-in-law never waited until Heather was completely burnt out, something that many new parents experience. She was always there ready to watch her grandchildren.

“Out of all the beautiful gifts my mother-in-law has given me through the years, nothing has ever compared to the gift of Friday nights. The best.”

And that’s what Heather wanted to do for her sister.

She shared that when she visits her sister she’ll take her nephew, go in the other room, turn on the TV, and care for him for the next hour or so.

Some people felt that Heather should do chores around the house and let her sister spend uninterrupted time with her child, while others praised her for her idea.

But Heather said it was up to her sister how she spent the time.

“However she chooses to spend that time, it’s completely up to her. It’s HER time. I don’t question it; I certainly don’t judge it. Only she knows what she her body and her heart needs during that time – And I want her to honour just that.”

She reiterated that when it comes to parenting, sometimes we need to pick up on things before it’s too late.

“You see, if I waited for her to ask – It wouldn’t happen. Guilt. Shame. Feelings of ‘I should be able to do it all’ would most definitely take centre stage.”

What do you think about Heather taking her nephew without asking her sister?

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