Young surrogate carries couple’s child, then they look closer at the scan and freeze

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Shaniece Sturdy was only 21 at that point – but she wasn’t interested in drinking or partying.

”I wanted to help another couple fulfill their family dream and raise Rylee properly,”  Shaniece tells The Daily Mail.

However, Shaniece was aware that she might not be accepted as a surrogate mother

That’s why she decided to keep her plans secret.

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Soon, the young and determined woman began to do all the neccessary research. She completed the process with no help at all.

And as soon as she met Joanna and Steve, a couple who wanted nothing more than to become parents, Shaniece knew that she wanted to help them.

It was only then that the 21 year old shared the news with her nearest and dearest. Then she flew to a specialist clinic in Los Angeles to implant Joanna and Steve’s embryo.

Everything went according to plan, and Shaniece fell pregnant. The plan was for her to deliver “just” one son or daughter for the couple, but she soon noticed that her bump was quickly growing bigger and bigger.

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Soon it was time for the ultrasound. Parents Joanna and Steve were there by Shaniece’s side… and they were soon in for a huge shock. All of a sudden, the midwife revealed that they were expecting twins!

It was joyous news for the couple, who felt like they were on cloud nine following the news.

But that wasn’t all… 10 weeks later, the doctors made the next incredible discovery. It turns out that Shaniece was carrying triplets!

A few months later Shaniece, Joanna and Steve finally welcomed Willow, Harrison and Daisy into the world.

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Shaniece has kept in contact with the happy parents and visits the triplets every year for their birthday.

And she doesn’t regret a second.

Even though I was only 21 and it was a huge responsibility carrying their babies, it was one of the best experiences of my life,” Shaniece tells The Daily Mail and continues:

“The whole pregnancy flew by, and with the support of Joanna and Steve, it was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone.”

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