10 alarming signs your body is telling you you’re stressed out

1. Skin problems


Psoriasis, acne, and other skin diseases can all be caused by stressThis study looked at  students and found a connection between high levels of mental stress and skin problems.

An experiment with mice came to the same result. Mice that were exposed to high levels of stress were more susceptible to skin infections.

2. Weight change


Stressful situations increase the production of the hormone cortisol, writes the Mayo Clinic. Cortisol stabilizes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and regulates blood sugar levels. But if you have too much of it, you’ll eat more and your body will produce less testosterone. This, in turn, causes you to gain weight.

On the other hand, increased levels of adrenaline in the blood can lead to weight loss. Adrenaline speeds up the metabolism, but it slows down the secretion of fat. Some researchers also argue that CRH (a peptide hormone involved in the body’s response to stress) leads to weight loss.

3. Frequent colds

Did you know that stress can make it easier for you to catch a cold? In one American study, 276 healthy people were exposed to the common cold. Then, they were kept isolated. And researchers found that people who had experienced long-term stress before the experiment were more likely to get a cold than those who weren’t stressed.

So don’t blame cold weather. If you get sick often, it might be because you’re stressed.

4. Stomach problems

There is scientific proof that stress can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Stomachaches, for example, might be one of the first signs of burnout.

One theory is that chronic stress causes the digestive system to wear down and become more sensitive, writes the Harvard Medical School.

5. Lack of focus

People who are stressed for a long period often have difficulty focusing on tasks. This happens because of stress-related exhaustion.

If you notice that you’re less focused than usual, it might be time to slow down and take a break.

6. Hair loss

Researchers have shown that stress can make you partially or even completely bald.

If you’ve noticed that you have less hair than before, stress might be the cause.

7. Headaches

There are many causes of headaches, including visual disturbances, poor sleep, low or high blood pressure, sinusitis, neck tension, pregnancy, among others.

But some headaches are caused by stress, which can be brought on at work or home.

Pain medication can of course alleviate headaches, but if you don’t properly diagnose the root cause, there’s a risk that the headache will return.

8. Low sex drive

People who are often exposed to stress become emotionally drained and also tend to have low sex drives, according to researchers in America.

So if you haven’t had sex with your partner for a long time, don’t be angry or worried — because it won’t help. If stress is the cause, such feelings will only make matters worse.

9. Insomnia

Stress can also cause serious sleep problems. It can make your nervous system stay on alert and make it hard to wind down.

The lack of a good night’s sleep then makes it difficult to work effectively and enjoy life.

If you can’t sleep, it’s important to find the cause of your insomnia and eliminate it as quickly as possible!

10. Heart disease

Our hearts go through a lot during our lives, both good and bad. But stress has a bad influence on the heart. Research has shown that stress can change the heart’s rhythm in a harmful way.

Take the symptoms of stress seriously and listen to your body’s alarm signals! And remember to relax, even during the holidays or other big events.

Please share this information with your friends and family so you can help them listen to their bodies and improve their lives!

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