8 silent signals your body is trying to tell you you’re stressed



In the case of excessive stress your body starts releasing the chemical histamine to fight off what your body thinks is sickness.

If you continue to feel stressed then you can develop an allergic reaction which can result in hives.

These itchy red bumps can be such a pain but a cool damp towel meay ease the affected area. If that doesn’t work take an antihistamine.

Weight fluctuation

Daily Star

Stress causes our body to produce cortisol or the “stress hormone” which increases our appetite and our cravings for junk food.

But a recent study by Ohio State shows that stress may also lead to our bodies burning fewer calories.

Advice from the experts is to snack on nuts as the protein will help if you’re under-eating and the fiber will help if your bingeing.

Persistent headaches

Hello Giggles

If your your head is constantly pounding, you might be too stressed. Stress releases chemicals that can cause changes to nerves and blood vessels in the brain, which can cause a headache.

If you’re prone to migraines stress can make them worse.

You can take ibuprofen or if you don’t want to take drugs then try dabbing lavender or peppermint oil on your temples when a headache starts.

Stomach issues

AMP Floracel

We all know that stress can be hard on the stomach but now it’s thought to cause a whole host of digestive issues including irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, and heartburn.

Stress can also cause the body to produce more digestive acid which can lead to heartburn.

Constant cold


Stress affects the immune system by making it less effective in the fight against bugs.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh infected volunteers with a cold virus; those who reported in a survey that they were coping with many stresses were twice as likely to get sick as those with fewer problems, Parents.com reported.

Experts say take zinc supplements can reduce the length of a cold. Meditation, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep can also help boost your immune system.


Annoying acne


While stress isn’t the main cause of acne it does trigger break outs.

When you’re stressed, your body pumps out more hormones, like cortisol, which causes skin glands to produce more oil. This excess oil can get trapped inside hair follicles, along with dirt and dead skin cells, producing pimples, according to Healthline.com.

Chest pain and rapid heat beat

Medical News Today

We are all familiar with the saying ‘my heart skipped a beat’ to describe something making us nervous or excited, but an irregualr heartbeat is more common than you think.

Stress can be one of the causes of an irregular heartbeat along with caffeine and alcohol.

Stress hormones can affect the same areas of the brain that regulate cardiovascular functions such as heart rate and blood pressure.

Consider taking up meditation, yoga and relaxation exercises which may help you to cope better with stress.

Losing your hair

ABC News

While it’s perfectly normal to lose a few strands of hair as old hair follices are replaced by new ones, stress can interfere with this healthy cycle.

Significant stress pushes a large number of hair follicles into what’s called a resting phase, and then a few months later those hairs fall out, according to MayoClinic.org.

Stress can also cause the body’s immune system to attack your hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

Please share this story with your friends and family to encourage those stressed people in your life to take up some healthy habits.

We all deserve to be happy people.

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