All you need this winter: Bourbon Cough Syrup is how grandma used to fight colds

Cold and flu season is right around the corner, and it’s time to start preparing!

There are many tried and true cold medicines on store shelves, but many of them don’t taste that great.

And when you’re already feeling sick, who wants to force down a spoonful of something that makes you want to spit it out?

Besides, many of these cold and flu medicines can also leave you feeling drowsy.

So instead of buying expensive medicine this year, why don’t you try this good ol’ recipe my grandma used to do for my family?


To make the Bourbon Cough Syrup; you’ll need:

2 oz Bourbon
1/2 lemon, juiced (about 2 ounces)
2-4 oz water (optional)
1 tablespoon honey


1. Combine the first 3 ingredients in your glass of choice and heat in the microwave for 45 seconds. (You can also do this on the stovetop in a little saucepan.)

2. Take out and add the honey. Whisk well, and return to the microwave for another 45 seconds.


If you’re sick, it’s best not to drink this too hot; a good warm temperature is better. And even in you’re perfectly healthy, you can still enjoy it as a delicious nightcap!

Take it to bed and nurse it slowly with a book in the other hand and sleep well!


During flu season, it’s also important to be extra careful, especially with young children. Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with others who are ill.

Common flu symptoms are a dry cough, headache, high fever, sore throat, chills and upset stomach. If the fever doesn’t go down after three to five days, consult a doctor.

What are your favorite cold and flu remedies? Are you going to try making this cough syrup?