Man loses 198 pounds in one year and is hardly recognizable

When Vance Hinds’ excessive weight became a health risk he felt he had no choice but to do something about.

His desire for change led him on a journey which had its ups and downs but has ultimately inspired many others to do the same.

At 52 years old Assistant County and District Attorney for Ellis County Vance Hinds weighed 475 pounds. After deciding to make the much needed change he documented his journey online so he could be held accountable.

YouTube / DDP Yoga

“I don’t know if I have a choice anymore at the age of 52. I have to get this weight off of me,” he said, according to BoredPanda.

After weighing himself in November 9 2019 and letting everyone know his weight he started walking every day to kick start his weight loss. But three weeks later he weighed himself again and had gained a few pounds.

He was all too familiar with failure after many previous attempts to lose weight and finding himself giving up and gaining back everything he had lost.

YouTube/DDP Yoga

“Normally, periodically, I start these paths, and I lose weight for a while, exercising on my own. But with my wife, it’s just us two, and it’s easy to talk yourself out of it,” he said, according to Bored Panda.

“You do pretty good for a few weeks and a month, and then you start slacking off, and then you quit. I’ve done that over and over and over again.”

YouTube/DDP Yoga

Disappointed but undeterred by the pounds he gained he continued to walk every day and soon attracted a group of 12 people who joined him. He was also doing yoga and swimming, all while posting his progress on social media.

Soon, people from as far afield as Australia and Scotland started messaging Vance to let him know how inspired they were by his journey.

As much as these messages lifted him up his real drive was his wife and three children.


“I’m doing it for them too, to show them that they can do anything if they put their mind to it,” he said.

He started adding even more ways to get fit and lose weight to his daily plan including aerobics and body pump.

After a year of healthy eating and exercise he weighed himself and had lost an incredible 198 pounds.

Find out more about Vance’s journey in the clip below.

Vance never gave up, despite actually gaining weight at the start. He’s a true inspiration to all those who want to make a change but don’t know how.

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