Why you should never eat the “clean” part of a moldy piece of bread

It doesn’t feel right to throw food away, especially a delicious loaf of bread. But when you read this you’ll think twice about doing that again.

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There’s no such thing as the “clean” part of moldy bread

According to Tech Insider, eating moldy bread can actually be dangerous for your body and can make you extremely sick.

“Mold is a type of fungus. Like a mushroom, it has a vast number of roots called hyphae that spread beneath the visible surface. Therefore, the whole piece of bread is riddled with mold,” according to Tech Insider.

Eating another slice of the loaf that doesn’t have signs of mold is also dangerous because mold releases spores into the air which can infect the entire loaf.

Certain molds are more dangerous that others

Worth noting is that not all  molds are dangerous. We eat mold in other foods such as cheese and soy sauce but some of the mold that grows on bread can be dangerous.

“If you eat it continuously then you can get poisoning symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pain and kidney damage. But it is extremely rare,” according to chief physician Johan Tham.

Johan warns that for people with a weaker immune system eating mold can be “extremely dangerous”.

PHOTO: Shutterstock

Find out more about the potential dangers of eating moldy bread in the video below and don’t forget to share this important information with your friends.

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