Cop gets frustrated behind slow grandpa and starts ranting – you won’t believe who grandpa is

Florida deputy Brian Bowman recorded his thoughts after spotting the slow mover; feeling the need to get the whole experience off his chest.

He expressed his frustration by saying: “The nerve of this guy… He’s literally going 1 mile per hour in a 30 mile per hour zone.”

I was shocked by such a speed and wondered what the cause could possibly be.

Officer Bowman then goes on to explain that the guy’s about 100-years-old, which adds some light to the situation. But then he continues, “He shouldn’t be out on the roadways to begin with.”

At this point you’re feeling the officer’s frustration but then the camera turns to reveal the elderly grandpa. He was following a tortoise which was out in the middle of the street!

The video is so funny and unsurprisingly has gone viral. See for yourself why it’s so popular.

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You have to appreciate a police officer with a sense of humor; we all need a good laugh. Please share and make somebody else smile today.

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