It’s always a lovely feeling when you have just scrubbed the floors and they are shiny and clean.
But what makes the process worrying is the harsh chemicals I feel I have to use to get the best results.
I worry about breathing in the fumes from these cleaners and the fact they are not environmentally friendly.
So when I learned of this eco-friendly and cheap solution to cleaning floors I had to try it out. Now I never have to used harsh chemicals again!

It is possible to get sparkling clean floors without using strong chemical cleaners.
This proven tip is just as effective, and also environmentally friendly.
All you need is a bottle of white vinegar! Something most of us already have in our kitchen cupboards.

Most people think of white vinegar as the perfect pickling solution or salad dressing ingredient but it also makes a great cleaner.
Vinegar is a natural, non-toxic product that safely deodorizes, disinfects and cleans most hard surfaces, according to homeguides.
It’s also great for dissolving grease and removing hard water stains from your kitchen tiles.
All you have to do is mix 1/4 to 1/2 cup white vinegar with 1 gallon of warm water in a bucket and start mopping. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
Mop the floor as usual, and you can enjoy shiny clean floors knowing no harsh chemicals have been used in the process.

This solution is great for cleaning porcelain or tiled floors.
For really tough stains, sprinkle the wet tile and grout with baking soda and scrub them with a brush. Then rinse with a cloth soaked in your vinegar solution.
Share this trick with your friends on Facebook, if you think they should also abandon harmful chemicals once and for all and try this eco-friendly method instead!