With one cheap ingredient you can keep strawberries fresh for weeks – this clever tip has lit up the internet


In my opinion strawberries are one of the most perfect fruits. They not only taste delicious but are high in antioxidants.

They are also so versatile, lending themselves to cakes, smoothies and even jam if they’re not delicious enough to be eaten on their own.

But unfortunately they don’t take long to go moldy. So when I discovered this hack for keeping strawberries fresh in the fridge for weeks, yes weeks, I had to share.

This very useful tip not only works but is so simple. All it requires is a bowl, some water and white wine vinegar and in minutes you can ensure your strawberries stay fresh until you need them.


Add your strawberries to the bowl, and then cover the fruit in one part vinegar to five parts water for a few minutes.

The vinegar removes any bacteria or mold spores which causes the fruit to go furry in the first place.

When you remove the strawberries make sure you dry them thoroughly with a paper towel so there is no dampness left to cause mold and surprisingly, there is no hint of a vinegar taste.

This clever trick also works well for other berries like raspberries and blackberries which also go moldy quickly.

Watch the step-by-step hack in the video below.

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Don’t forget to share this clever hack with your friends and help get more fresh delicious fruit into their lives.

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