Christmas is a time for giving: This video is striking a chord with millions around the world

We live in a time when Christmas is all about tugging on our purse strings as we rush to remember gifts for our loved ones and making it as special as we can for our own family.

It can be stressful in the kitchen as we work to create the dinner to top all dinners and we spend countless hours decorating our house

We are so busy with our own to-do lists that we often forget those that do not have a Christmas to celebrate because they don’t have a roof over their heads or are struggling to afford basic necessities. But it’s these people that should get our attention at this time of year. It’s cold outside and they are reminded even more of what they don’t have.

This is something gentleman trio GENTRI wanted to address with their latest music video. The message has resonated with so many and has already been watched on YouTube 2.5 million times. When you see it, you’ll understand why.

In the clip, we see how a family enjoys all the riches of Christmas: buying a tree and shopping for presents. But. in doing so they pass a man, alone and homeless out in the cold.

The homeless man, who kindly gives the family a hand with their Christmas tree, stays with the family man, who is clearly bothered by what he saw.

In the end, he decides to do the right thing … and starts looking for the homeless man.

He finds him and I won’t reveal the ending. But the video is so important in reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas: helping those in need.

The song “O Holy Night” is performed beautifully by the U.S. tenors and is moving fans around the nation.

The video ends with the text from Matthew 25:40 on the screen, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Watch this moving video below and its heartwarming ending that is sure to make you stop and think. It’s very beautiful.

Christmas should be celebrated with the heart, not with the wallet. We can all do better to honor Jesus Christ – Share if you agree!