Simon can’t believe his ears when 15-year-old triumphs over her bullies with this

Amanda Mena, Simon Cowell, America's Got Talent

Bildkälla: Youtube

After singing for her family for several years, Amanda Mena mustered up the courage to go on “America’s Got Talent.” The 15-year-old wanted to show her bullies what she was capable of, and she did it with Aretha Franklin’s masterpiece “A Natural Woman.”

At first, she was nervous. The taunts of her bullies echoed through her head, but she had to shut that all out — this was her moment and nobody else’s!

And the rest, as they say, was history. Amanda floored everyone in the room with her powerful voice, and after the performance, the judges lavished her with praise.

“This is an audition we’re going to remember for a long time, Amanda,” famously tough judge Simon Cowell said.

She also got Mel B’s support.

“My gosh, where do I start? That was just incredible. I got goose pimples all over. I love you, I love your voice, and this is what I’m going to say to all those bullies, ” Mel B. said.

And what Mel B. did next… you’ll have to watch the video below to see. Wonderful!

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Amanda’s bold appearance shows why you should never give up your dreams — no matter what anyone else tries to say. Please share this powerful audition on Facebook if you also want to put a stop to bullying and think that Amanda did a great job onstage!

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